Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year, New Goals

December was a good month for us, and an okay month for Melody. I only say okay because she got sick and that's always rough with any kid, but for Melody it makes her sensory issues worse. Also, holidays are never easy. She doesn't react the same as other kids to things like presents, Santa, parties, etc, so we are reminded every year of that. I'm not going to lie- that part really stinks. I see a lot of families with their traditions and I just don't feel that motivation because it just seems like she could care less. The last couple of weeks without school were hard, too. School is so good for her- and as much as I love having her home, I love knowing she is somewhere learning and developing in a way she can't by my side.
For Christmas though, we were able to purchase Proloquo2go and install it on the Ipod. Every day when she is in a good moment I will bring it out and we will use it a little. I imagine it will be a long while before she starts using it independently, but at least it's a step in the right direction.
We are going to meet with a new OT on Wednesday. She wants to do a full assessment on Melody. Can I just vent about how much I hate having to get her assessed so often? It's stressful for her, and seems so redundant. Apparently the millions of papers and reports aren't enough- but sure, you can see her throw a fit for you. Enjoy it.
If you can't tell, my spirits are a bit dampened today. The holidays while nice are difficult for me as a mother. I find myself hurting that she can't enjoy them like everyone else. I hope someday she shows more interest, but then I have to remember that is MY want- she doesn't care about them. For now anyway.
Hope is the only thing I have sometimes, when things seem so out of reach. I know it could be a lot worse and I am grateful I have a beautiful, healthy daughter. But sometimes I still hurt for her and for us.
Anyway, so we are meeting with a new OT and then hopefully soon to follow, an ST as well that can help me with this proloquo stuff.
Fingers crossed...